Rediscovering Life
Sync Recovery not only helps individuals maintain their sobriety, but helps them discover a life they never imagined possible, and become an asset to the greater community in the process!
The greatest challenge for an individual in recovery from substance use disorder is creating a new life. It takes tremendous strength to change everything about one’s life.
Sync Recovery community helps our neighbors do just that.
Changing the Stigma of Recovery

State Drug Overdose Statistics
There is a wide range of overdose death rates among the states; the highest concentration is located in the Northeast, straddling the Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic regions.
- 4,377 overdose deaths per year.
- 3.25% of all deaths are from drug overdose.
- OD deaths decrease at an annual rate of 1.00% over the last 3 years.
- The OD death rate is 35.6 deaths out of every 100,000 residents.
- This is 71.98% higher than the national average OD death rate.
- 6.22% of nationwide OD deaths occur in Pennsylvania
Despite an increase in short term treatment options, substance use and accidental overdose has risen over the last 10 years. It is time we focus on long term recovery supports. Just as spending time in social circles where drug and alcohol use is the norm, direct exposure to recovery is contagious. Hope is transformative. Engaging individuals in the highly vulnerable early stages of recovery with activities that promote positive social interaction, wellness, mindfulness, service, and physical health yields positive and powerful results.
Those in recovery often refer to their substance use as isolating and hopeless. The constant stigma experienced by people who depend on alcohol and drugs compounds the isolation, deepens shame and creates despair. In fact, because stigma is a paralyzing barrier to recovery, the US Department of Health and Human Services has made reducing stigma one of its guiding principles and has highlighted recovery support services – such as peer support – as a strategic priority in prevention strategy.

© 2024, National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics
Treatment alone is not sufficient to support long-term recovery.
Read about the spiritual journey of Mary’s recovery and her involvement with Sync.
“Hiking, biking and being surrounded by the awesomeness of nature is truly a spiritual experience.”

Our Mission
To provide action-based peer support for individuals affected by substance use disorders (SUD) through activities and events that are gratifying, FUN and inspirational.
Using our Four Core Components of a healthy recovery lifestyle (social • spiritual • service • health), Sync Recovery Community’s events facilitate dynamic programs that connect individuals from diverse backgrounds, while providing participants with opportunities to choose multiple pathways to recovery.
We provide stress-free environments where individuals are inspired to make new discoveries and create healthy relationships.
Read about Ben’s journey from being required to attend Sync Events to making involvement in them a goal of his recovery.
“From that moment on, my passion, inspiration, and my love to help others, and be helped simultaneously, blossomed.”

Our Activities
Sync’s monthly activities incorporate four core components of a balanced recovery lifestyle. (social • spiritual • service • health). Bringing individuals together with varying lengths of recovery experience forms a supportive and energized community. Through experiential activities these inclusive groups work towards a final penultimate activity, such as a competitive race, challenging hike or skydiving trip.
Monthly activities are structured and repetitive and range from yoga, biking, hiking and paddle boarding to volunteering and service opportunities. Designed to help individuals reconnect with others and their communities, many find these events a sort of ‘bucket list’ of dreams fulfilled and rediscover what it means to live again!
Continued Impact and Growth
Touching more lives in 2024
Our activities are considered top notch and we run them on a very lean budget. The return on investment is nothing short of miraculous, using every dollar raised efficiently.
Open lines of communication
As we continue to grow and expand our reach, we need the support of community advocates, sponsors and donors to assist in the passionate and important work of Sync Recovery.

Read how volunteering and providing service enhances Emmie’s long term recovery.
“Volunteering helps me maintain continued recovery by allowing me to give back unconditionally and strengthens my spiritual practice.”

Peer Support
Recovery from Substance Use Disorder requires maintenance and growth. The length of sobriety is evenly distributed among those who attend Sync events. People in long-term recovery benefit from interacting with those beginning their recovery journey and vice versa. The varying lengths of recovery time of Sync participants is a significant and important component of Sync events.
Participants’ length of sobriety

Read about how Pam found joy and happiness in sobriety.
“I love these awesome people I meet and travel with on this amazing journey.”

We asked over 100 people why they enjoy Sync activities, and these are some of their most common responses:
Making Connections and being with friends
Being inspired by new and different experiences
Staying healthy and active
Having fun
Being of service
Change lives with Sync
Sync continues to serve a wide variety of individuals and our events are routinely filled. Expansion of programs can impact many more who find themselves in need of help to maintain their sobriety.
We ask that you consider a corporate sponsorship or individual gift to support future programming and growth.
You have the ability to change lives and change communities.
Please call or email us, or use this form.
(215) 892-3658 | info@syncrecovery.org